Lake Ontario Catalina Association
Annual General Meeting
January 12, 2021
Please join us for the ZOOM Annual General Meeting of LOCA being held in conjunction with The Toronto International Boat Show on Saturday, January 23rd, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on our 2020 activities, we are pleased to announce that all members holding a 2020 membership have been automatically extended through 2021, at no additional cost.
If you wish to renew your subscription to MAINSHEET or purchase a LOCA burgee, please contact Wayne Parker, loca@lakeontariocatalinaassociation.com. Alternatively, Wayne may contact you directly.
2021 LOCA Events
LOCA is currently developing plans for some exciting activities for the summer of 2021. Here are the proposed dates of our three main events, subject to COVID-19 restrictions:
A Virtual Sail-In/Drive-In event is planned for Thursday May 27 at 7pm
The Rendezvous will be the weekend of August 14-15, 2021
Post-haulout brunch will be on Sunday November 14, 2021
I look forward to seeing you online at the AGM.
Ron Hosking, Commodore
Topic: LOCA Annual General Meeting
Time: Jan 23, 2021 10:00 AM America/Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 3413 9205
Passcode: 895570